Facts & Statistics
The British Crime Survey (2009/2010) looked at how many individuals aged 16-59 had used heroin. 283,000 stated they had ever taken it, 50,000 had used in the last year, and 38,000 had used in the past month.
There are approximately 320,000 heroin and/or crack cocaine users in England of which around
170,000 are in treatment in any one year. Offenders who use heroin, cocaine or crack cocaine are estimated to commit between a third and a half of all acquisitive crime.
Data from treatment providers shows that the heroin using population is ageing, with fewer young people becoming dependent upon the drug. Those aged 40 and above now make up the largest proportion of those newly presenting for treatment.
Drug and alcohol dependence is a key cause of poverty and unemployment. For example, in England, an estimated 80% of heroin or crack cocaine users are on benefits, often for many years and their drug use presents a significant barrier to employment
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